#Air Conditioning

Smart Home / Commercial Building Solutions


The definition of a smart home or a smart commercial building in modern society is substantially inclusive. ICP DAS has devised its own understanding to expand the definition of this standard, which is based on solutions that improve the original facilities and equipment to create an even better living environment, including topics such as the control of the air conditioning system, the demand for indoor lighting, the monitoring of liquid leakage from pipelines, the monitoring of safety records related to personnel access control, the requirements surrounding air and water quality, as well as the acquisition and analysis of electricity data.

Smart Meeting Rooms Solutions


The environment and usability of conference rooms is very important for most companies. There are four factors related to the overall usage of a conference room, namely, lighting, air conditioning, air quality, and projection equipment control. Based on these requirements, ICP DAS is able to design and demonstrate solutions for relevant use scenarios that integrate with existing conference room equipment to, including Meeting mode, Briefing mode, and Fully ON or OFF, depending on the equipment present in the conference room that can be adequately configured by the system.

Environmental Monitoring Solutions


As the scope for environmental monitoring is quite broad, the easiest way for smart factories to achieve this is to introduce an environmental monitoring system, which is applicable to all industries, and is used to prevent potential environmental disasters and hazards to personnel, thereby improving the comfortable usage of space, and reducing the risk of property loss.